Shop Act Registration

For business registration under shop and establishment act is mandatory. This is governed by the Maharashtra State where shop is located at city having population more than 25000. Shops Act Registration is mandatory in some cases for businesses, as long as they qualify as an “Establishment” under the Shops and Establishment Act.

If you run a business in Maharashtra, you need to obtain Shop Act License under Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948. Shop Act Online Application is available Now. Our expert team help you to get your Shop Act Registration with minimum time and cost.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Renewal of License

Shop Act registration is issued for the period it is applied like one or three years, hence on or before expiry of license same need to be renewed from government department.

Online Process

With digital India the process Shop registration application filling is now online. Person applying for shop no need to visit any department of government physically.

Return Filling

Persons holding Shop Act Registration is not required to file monthly / quarterly Returns as like in cases of service tax, vat etc.

Payments of License Fees

Shop Act license fees is required to be paid online , fees structure depends on number of employees some other factors.

What is mean by Establishment for Shop Act Registration?

“Establishment” means a shop, commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre, or other place of public amusement or entertainment to which this Act applies and includes such other establishment as the [State] Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare to be an establishment for the purposes of this Act.

Who should apply Registration?

Business falling under the definition of Establishment, shall take shop Act registration.

Filling of Shop Act returns?

There is no need for filing of any return for Shop Act Holder.

What are the documents required for Shop Act Registration / Shop Act License?

Documents : Photo, PAN , Address proof, KYC etc. documents required.

When is a Shops and Establishments Act license required?

Every shop and establishment needs to register itself compulsorily under this Act within 30 days of commencement of work. As this is such a basic license, many other licenses require this as proof of a commercial business. For example, most banks will require you to furnish it if you want to open a current account.

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