PF, ESIC & Other Laws Management

We provide reliable services to companies in “PF, ESIC & Other Laws Management. Compliance need to be done under PF, ESIC and PT. We provide complete outsourcing solutions in the areas of PF, ESIC and PT advisory, calculations, payment on salary.

With our structured outsourcing model we provide services for payment, calculation, return filing etc. Doing compliances for above tax law is time consuming where it’s better to outsource same. Also, noncompliance of same results in interest, penalty. We at ANG ensure that all legal compliance is taken care, payment done in time, certificate issued in time, filing completed.

taxation service in pune

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is this 19 & 10C form?

Form No 19 is for Provident fund withdrawal & Form No. 10 C is for Pension scheme withdrawal.

What is a Code number?

It is a 17 digit unique identification number allotted to each of the factory/establishment registered under the provisions of the Act.

Who is liable to pay Profession Tax?

Every person engaged actively or otherwise in any profession, trade, callings or employment and falling under one or the other of the classes mentioned in the second column of Schedule I appended to Profession Tax Act, is liable to pay Profession Tax.

How do I check my EPF Account statement online?

Employee Provident Fund (EPF) members can now access their account statements online at

Where and how much Profession Tax is to be paid?

The Profession Tax can be paid according to Schedule I appended to the act at any of the places defined as ‘treasury’ in rule 2(7).

What is the time limit for payment of contribution ESIC?

Contribution shall be paid in respect of an employee in to a bank duly authorized by the Corporation within 15 days of the last day of the calendar month in which the contribution falls due.

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